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A cataract is the clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. The clouding interferes with the proper focusing of images on the retina at the back of the eye. cataracts are a normal part of aging and can begin to affect vision as early as age 50. early changes may not disturb vision, but over time, cataracts will result in blurred vision, difficulty reading in low light and impaired night driving due to glare. People with advanced cataracts often compare their vision to looking through wax paper or a dirty car windshield. 














         animation of a cataract                                      actual cataract



Symptoms of Cataracts


• Frequent prescription changes for eyeglasses

• Decreasing sharpness of vision

• Seeing halos around bright lights, especially at night
• Blurred or double vision
• Difficulty distinguishing colors














                Simulation of blurred vision with cataract

Over time colors darken and dull, and vision becomes blurred


Treatment for Cataracts


Cataract surgery, the only treatment for cataracts, is one of the safest and most successful procedures performed in medicine today. The surgery involves creating a microscopic incision through which the cataract is removed and a replacement man-made intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted. This small incision seals itself naturally and allows for rapid healing. At one time, cataract surgery was considered risky and required a lengthy hospital stay, but with today’s advanced technology, it is an outpatient procedure, which reduces the inconvenience and expense for patients. 







                                                        Simulated vision                                                                  with cataract                              








                                                       Simulated vision                                                                   after cataract removal









                                                       Simulated vision                                                                   after lens implant






Traditional & Customized Laser Cataract Surgery





The traditional method uses a blade to make the incision in the eye. An ultrasound device is then inserted to break the cloudy lens into small pieces for easy removal by suction. Then a clear intraocular lens implant is inserted to replace the cataract lens. 






Custom laser cataract surgery uses a specialized femtosecond laser to create the initial incision, not a blade. clinical studies have shown that using a laser to make this incision is 10 times more accurate than using a blade. The laser is used to divide the cataract into smaller sections that are easier to break up by ultrasound and removed more gently. When surgery is performed by the laser, there is less stress to the delicate tissue that holds the lens in place. 

















Lens Options for Cataract Surgery


There are a variety of intraocular lens styles available for implantation at the time of cataract surgery.  These include single focus lenses (monofocal), toric lenses for astigmatism, and multifocal lenses that allow focus at a range of distances.


There is not one single best lens: the best lens is determined through discussion with your surgeon to determine your needs and options given your specific eye health and structure, and visual needs.



























IOL images from: 





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